Monday, August 31, 2009

A random collection of the last couple days.

We got Lucy a cow stuffed animal because my mom LOVES cows and has a huge collection of cow-themed stuff. And I mean H-U-G-E! So, anyway, this has become one of Lucy's favorite toys to stare at when she's awake, and today she even fell asleep right next to it and kept reaching out to touch it in her sleep - so soft!

I love the combination of "Power to the Baby People!" arm movement, and old man jeans pulled up to the chest. My kid is not only stylish, she's an activist!!

I just thought this was so cute. The other day Lucy was taking a nap and her pacifier fell out of her slack-jawed little mouth. It's so funny because Brian sleeps just like this, with his mouth open just a little bit (and I'm so sorry for telling people that Brian - please forgive me!).

1 comment:

  1. Oh NO! Not another slack jawed mouth breather!!! Oh the humanity!
