Monday, August 17, 2009

Lucy can sleep anywhere!

The pediatrician told us we need to put Lucy on her tummy at least 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. This is supposed to serve the dual purpose of strengthening her neck and keeping the back of her head from getting flat because she's on her back all the time. As you can see, Lucy is quite thrilled by tummy time. Yeah.

Brian has been rocking the Baby Bjorn when we take Lucy out to local parks for walks and whatnot. She seems to like it - or at least she doesn't actively and vocally dislike it.

Who says you need to be awake to have your diaper changed? What's funny is that three seconds before I took this she was SCREAMING to have her diaper changed, so I laid her down on the changing table and...boom...instant sleep. So funny.

1 comment:

  1. OK, we are baby product twins, because we have the same changing pad cover and also have a Bjorn, but Maya HATES it, so we've only worn in like 5 times. And by we, of course I mean Mustafa, who loves it, so he makes Maya cruise the dog park in it. Lucy looks so cute on her tummy!!
