Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lucy had a very big day yesterday.

First, she got up at 6:15am and had some fun playtime with Elmo! Mommy was very tired, but the good news is, that didn't bother Lucy at all and she had a WONDERFUL snuggle with Elmo while she watched Sesame Street.

After Sesame Street was over (why can't each episode be 3 hours long, like in my fantasies?), Lucy got busy playing with her legos and managing her extensive binky collection, which, as you can imagine, takes up a significant portion of her free time. Just to make sure I didn't forget about her, she did all of that accompanied by a high-pitched squeal of delight. Oh good.

After Mommy and Daddy both had some caffeine on board, we took Lucy for a walk in her new push cart. The part she sits in looks like a little car, and there's a plastic handle on the back for us to push it with. Lucy practiced her Miss Baby America wave at all the neighbors as we pushed her down the block in the sweltering heat. Great fun was had by all Lucy.

In the afternoon, Lucy went to her friend Finley's birthday party (in the pool there is another friend...Oliver). Lucy didn't let the fact that it was Finley's party, and not her own, get her down - she went in like she owned the place (and all the toys in the place) and made a HUGE MESS!!

Lucy was so exhausted from playing with all of Finley's toys in the heat that she needed several glasses of icy cold hose water, mixed extensively with dirt, sand and leaves, to quench her thirst.

Lucy was forced to lose the jumper after she realized that it would be a lot easier to get around without 10 pounds of sand clinging to her butt. Diaper-only maneuverability is much greater, and allowed Lucy maximum access to the backyard toy extravaganza - right here she seems to be saying with her eyes "IF YOU LOVED ME AS MUCH AS FINLEY'S MOM LOVES HIM, I WOULD HAVE A WATER TABLE AND A SANDBOX TOO....RIGHT??!"

Needless to say - a water table is being ordered in time for her birthday in 3 weeks...who could say no to a face like that??

1 comment:

  1. Well, needless to say, we have a water table--they had them at Costco in the spring. We also have the same kids--Elmo and Sesame Street are so great. Now you have to take her to Sesame Place at Seaworld. Baby heaven.
