Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The many faces of Lucy

Lucy had a photo shoot this week so we could get a decent picture for her birth announcements. I know she was born 7 weeks ago, but...well...what can I say? So, anyway, here are some of the very cute pictures that didn't make the cut, which just goes to show you how awesome the winning picture must be, right?? I can say with a pretty decent degree of authority that most people who read this blog are probably getting an announcement, but I will post a copy of it in a couple weeks after it comes out just in case.

Other than photo shoots, Lucy has been very busy learning how to smile. She does it all the time now, and I can't help but feel like it's a silent reinforcement that I'm not doing half-bad at this mommy thing. She's also been enjoying my vocal stylings with fab-yoo-less renditions of popular kid's songs such as "The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round and Round and I Don't Remember The Rest of the Words" and "Does the Itsy Bitsy Spider Go Up or Down the Water Spout???" She's so lucky!

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