Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Lucy's birthday, and she'll cry and cry and cry if she wants to.

Lucy went to my parents' house this weekend for her birthday - and boy did she have fun! Just kidding, actually she cried through pretty much every fun activity we had planned.

First, since it was nearly 100 degrees, we thought it might be fun to run through the sprinkler. Lucy has filed an official complaint with the International Criminal Court for our unlawful use of Baby Waterboarding and various violations of the Geneva Conventions.

After the torture session, we let her take a break at one of her favorite pastimes - eating rocks. For a creature that does not, to our knowledge, have a gizzard- Lucy has a real fascination with licking, tasting, and eating rocks. On the downside - rocks in your guts. On the upside - no sprinklers.

After the super well-received trip through the sprinkler - we thought it would be fun to take Lucy to Dairy Queen for a birthday ice cream extravaganza. I love ice cream. Brian loves ice cream. What could go wrong?

Here, Lucy seems to be foreshadowing what's to come. Don't come any closer with that Blizzard, or I'll spoon myself!

After a very long day of being FORCED to participate in activities that were, very clearly, not only un-fun but also a violation of her baby civil rights, Lucy was happy to relax with a bottle before bed (doesn't Mommy wish she'd had one too!). Thankfully, Grandma and Grandpa have a dog, and the dog has a bed, and now Lucy knows there's a heaven. A heaven full of rocks and dog hair, but least she's (finally) happy.

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