Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lucy went pumpkin picking.

Last weekend Lucy took me and Brian to the pumpkin farm to pick out our pumpkins for Halloween. Basically the day went like this:

Lucy stood up in the wheelbarrow and gave me a heart attack. But, I got a picture instead of asking her to sit down. Mother of the Year!

Brian hauled Lucy out to the pumpkin patch in the aforementioned wheelbarrow. Lucy was dubious, at best.

Lucy walked around and helped us pick out pumpkins. And by "help", I mean "if she looked directly at it and it wasn't rotting into the ground, we threw it in the wheelbarrow and paid for it."

Lucy inspected our interpretation of her selections.

Lucy gave us her opinion of our interpretation of her VERY EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS re: pumpkin selection and purchasing.

1 comment:

  1. Lucy and Maya are totally going to be best friends, mainly because they will share all sorts of terrible ideas. I love Lucy's expression while carefully selecting pumpkins. Maya had NO interest in round one of pumpkin picking this weekend...perhaps if a wheelbarrow was involved, and dangerous tricks, she would fare better? Lucy is her tiny hero.
