Being a mom makes me appreciate my own mom so much more. I love her, obviously, but man...I was a pretty good kid (I think!), and So, I loaded up this post with Lucy pictures, which I know my mom loves. And, I think I should say "Thanks!" And, "You're a Saint". And, "I can't believe you did it without strangling me during, roughly, ages 13-20." Also, sorry about the grape kool-aid on the rug that I moved a lamp over to cover it up, and for stealing all your socks, and for...well...ages 13-20 (at least!).
Thanks for not killing me and for being the mostest besterest Mom ever! Now, on to the pictures.
This is Lucy's new move. I've tentatively named it the Lucy Purcell Underarm Binky Hold.
This is Lucy (you've all met her). That thing she's reaching for is a HUGE GROSS WORM. Thanks Daddy! He had to take it away because she tried to eat it. Sigh.
Your human barriers will never stop me from reaching the cable precccciiioooouuusssss....
Oh hi!
I can haz cel fone?
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