Lucy loves this book, which is called "Este No Es Mi Tractor," which means "That's Not My Tractor." Brian reads it to her all the time and she knows all the places on the pages to touch...each page has a different theme with a different texture to touch. So far, she much prefers fire trucks and tractors to cute and fuzzy bunnies. All in keeping with her Baby Destructor persona.
Here, Lucy isn't actively exploring or destroying, but I like to think of it as her "thinking phase." This is the planning stage wherein she surveys the room, taking into account the fragility of any given item as well as the proximity of Mommy and/or Daddy, and then springs into action accordingly.
This is Lucy's face 'o' destruction. You can pretty much imagine the noise that goes with this...something like "AYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIARRRRRRRGH". And then an evil laugh. And then...crunch.
These next few show a concerted effort by Lucy to get not one, not two...but three binky's under her control all at the same time. It's kind of hard to see, but there is one attached to her shirt, a blue one, and then a clear one. I literally watched her spend a half hour trying to figure this out - like the Sunday New York Times Crossword for Babies. Let's in my left hand, one in my mouth...but wait, I need one hand to balance with. OK, one in right hand, one in left hand, sitting down...but wait, how do I get the other one in my mouth with both hands full? DRAT!
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