Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lucy has been busy, but she's back now.

I know, I's been awhile. What can I say? Lots of stuff going on...including walking pneumonia for one of us (Lucy), three weeks of single parenting (me), and a three week business trip for Brian. To South America. Poor guy. At any rate, in honor of Easter, I thought I'd share these pictures of Lucy dying her fingers Easter eggs, and sampling the fruits of her efforts.

Needless to say, she was *very* impressed that there is a sanctioned activity where one takes a delicate object and then dips it into a vat of dye, over and over and over and over again.  Until your fingers the object is just the right color of purple green orange blue gray.  This is so fun that soon maybe she'll stop asking if it's Christmas today?  

For those of you keeping track, Lucy is turning into a really curious, funny, and some might say slightly...ahem..manipulative (editors note: charming) child.  Much like a certain game show beloved by her Grandma and Grandpa Dietz, she answers everything now in the form of a question. We're taking a bath?  I'm having dinner?  My fingers are purple?  

Now I just have to figure out how to explain to her why a giant rabbit dressed in a pastel vest hatches eggs made of chocolate and then hides them in blue plastic grass.

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