First: The vast expanse. Our entire house can fit in their bathroom, and their backyard is big enough to house...well...I don't know. A circus? A runway? Anyway, it's REALLY big. And, good news! Lucy can crawl across the whole thing in 3.4 seconds to the waterfall (no really, a waterfall), where she immediately tries to prove the theory that you can drown in even the shallowest of pools. Here you can see Brian (thinking about bacon) and Lucy (thinking about breaking things) enjoying a sort of zen-like meditation in the huge backyard.
Second: The dog. Molly. Molly is decidedly indifferent to Lucy, and basically everyone except my dad. However, last time Molly met Lucy, Lucy wasn't eating (and dropping) food yet. They have, as of this weekend, reached a fragile peace - brokered almost entirely on Kix cereal and scrambled eggs. And, for the bonus plan, Lucy plants Kix in the fur on Molly's back for later excavation and discovery...SWEET!
Third: The swing. Grandpa Ron is what we like to call "a pushover." Brian is also a pushover, which means that Lucy knows A LOT of pushovers. And by "pushover," I mean "puts a swing up on the back porch just because the nearest infant swings are at a park across town and also makes sure it's pink." I also think Lucy has been promised (in no particular order): unicorn, rainbow, Oompa Loompa, Everlasting Binky, and possibly her very own helper monkey.
This is just a bonus picture. Lucy wanted to tell all her loyal readers "DADADADADABABABABABAAYIYIYIYIYIYIYI!!!!!!!!!"
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