When the weather is nice (and, here I'm speaking in a strictly relative "Seattle" sense of the word "nice") we like to take Lucy to the playground. Today, since it was a balmy 50 degrees with 25mph winds, we thought it would be a great day to go to the dog park. Lucy normally enjoys the doggies, and there's a pretty nice playground there. So...as evidence of our neverending quest to make Lucy's life as miserable as possible - here's some pictures of her enjoying our day at the park.

But, lest you think that Lucy's life is one long parade of sadness, behold - the RUBBER DUCKY BABY SPA TUB!!!

Bonus: Lucy got new pajama's that say "Grrrrrr!" I spend approximately 600 hours trying to get one picture of her being all "Grrrrrrr"y in her new pj's. I think I'll have to keep trying - but at least she's cute! :)
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