But, one thing Lucy does really well is smile. She's almost always in a good mood, and even when she's not, it's fairly easy to get her back into happy spirits. Lately, the smiles have gotten SO BIGGGG...her little cheeks all stretched out, gums in all their gummy glory...you almost think she'll smile so big her face will break!! So, in honor of Lucy's easygoing nature, here's a series of pictures of her SMILING!! Big, huge, gummy grins. I'm gonna miss the grins when she finally decides to grow a couple teeth.

Love all the smiles!! Yes, I agree, I love the gummy grins! And, when the grins become toothy, it is at a HEFTY price. Sigh. Says the mommy with the child with two new front teeth. No longer gummy :( Savor those gummy grins!!