Lest you should think we are torturing our beautiful daughter - rest assured - we are just trying to feed her. Organic gourmet baby food. Because we're all yuppie like that. I'm not sure how any child that comes from both Brian and I could actually dislike the entire process of eating, but somehow it has happened. Maybe she's not mine? I don't know. All I do know is that she's not allowed to have ice cream or wine yet, and sweet potatoes and carrot puree don't seem to be doing the trick.
PS: I did include one picture of her smiling so you wouldn't think I'm shoving bamboo shoots under her fingernails or anything. I swear - GOURMET ORGANIC BABY FOOD!

What? Sweet potatoes? WHAT? Absolutely not.

Oh the misery!! Why do you do this to me? What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? As soon as I gain control of my fine motor skills, I'm calling Child Protective Services and reporting you for feeding me GOURMET ORGANIC BABY FOOD!

I can no longer even look at the spoon. Your torturous feeding methods force me to hide my face and weep for your lack of humanity.

Oh please NOOOOOOOOOOO! Please. No more GOURMET ORGANIC BABY FOOD. Oh the humanity.
Babies - they're so ungrateful.