My mom is doing so great after her aneurysm (in May). She is still working through some fatigue as she continues to heal, but in every other way she is doing fabulous and we are so happy and blessed that she's able to come up and visit Lucy and be a part of her life.
Lucy didn't get too excited about Halloween, but we thought she looked pretty cute in her peapod costume. Brian took her out trick-or-treating at the neighbor's house and got his first candy bar procured through baby exploitation. I think next year she'll be a lot more into the whole thing since she'll be walking and whatnot.
Next up: Thanksgiving, then Christmas. Thanksgiving will be here with Brian's family, then we'll be heading to Grants Pass for a week to spend Christmas with my parents. They say after you have a baby you don't go on vacation, you take trips. So...we're looking forward to our Christmas trip to Oregon.
So only take trips. Lucy looks so precious in her outfit, and I am so happy you guys had a good family weekend! Nice work Brian, using the baby for candy. I need to work that angle for wine :)