This is Lucy at the hospital in her little pink hat. There is a retirement home near the hospital, and the ladies there hand knit a cap for each and every baby born at the hospital. We thought she looked like a cute little garden gnome in her hat.
The hospital has a photographer come down and do an official photo shoot with the baby shortly after they are born. We dressed Lucy up in a fun outfit given to her by her "Aunt" Joanie, and I think she radiated star power! We haven't gotten the proofs back for the pictures yet - but I'm sure they'll be positively adorable, because how could they not be?
One of the first tests they do on the baby is a hearing test. Lucy of course passed with flying colors, which just proves she takes after me and not Brian! She looks especially cute with the little ear muffs on.
One of the best things the wonderful nurse taught us was how to sleep safely with Lucy in the bed. Brian had a futon type bed in my room, and here he is getting some much needed sleep snuggled up to Lucy and her pink hat. Before we knew how to put her in the bed, she was in a bassinet, which was awful. We both just sat up awake, staring in to the bassinet to make sure she was OK...the only person getting any sleep at all was Lucy.
Here's Brian the proud daddy shortly after Lucy was born. He looks a little tired, huh?
This is our doctor handing Brian the baby for the very first time. I think it's safe to say this is the first time Brian ever held a newborn infant in his entire life. He did great and now he's her favorite person for snuggles and sideways aerial burping efforts.
They put Lucy right on my chest as soon as she was born. In a typical bout of sentimentality, the first thing I said was "Oh my gosh, her feet are HUGE!". But, shortly thereafter I was able to observe that she is definitely the cutest baby on the entire planet.
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