Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lucy loves a good snowpocalypse...

So, for those of you not "lucky" enough to live in Seattle, we had an "Extreme Weather Event" last week. These pictures represent Snowpocalypse Part 1 - The Snow is Still Beautiful and Fun (ie: STOCK UP ON WINE - MORE IS COMING!).

The first couple days were actually really idyllic. Beautiful white snow! Walks in the snow! Making angels in the snow! Family snowball fights with giggling and pink cheeks!

And then...the forecasters started talking about the "Extreme Weather Event" bearing down from...well, I don't know where...let's blame Canada, it's cold there. In Seattle, this is basically like announcing that the Donner Party is coming to dinner. HIDE YO KIDS! HIDE YO WIFE! THE SNOW IS COMING!  And it surely did, although not to the crazy levels that were predicted - thank goodness since Brian was lucky enough to be in Las Vegas through the entire thing.  We'll have to talk some other time about why it's never ME who is out of town during emergencies/teething/"Extreme Weather Events"/etc.

Lucy did eat snow for the first time though. I warned her about the yellow snow. See, I have a heart!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lucy has been busy.

I know, I know...posting has been a little...light lately. A round of the stomach flu, then the holidays, then Brian had back surgery. It's been pretty crazy around here. But, never fear, Lucy has still been very busy. Despite the iffy Seattle winter weather, she's been getting out and about as much as possible. And...well...there have been arts and crafts. A LOT of arts and crafts. Full contact arts and crafts, if you will. Thanks for the fingerpaints Grandma Mary Lou. Mommy TOTALLY appreciates it. No really.