Lucy took Brian and I to Port Townsend for the weekend. 2 ferry boat rides, 100+ miles of driving, 1 night in a hotel populated entirely with bikers and miscreants and 3 separate trips to beach. Not priceless unfortunately, but fun nonetheless. More so if you love to hear people screaming "LUCY NO! DO NOT TOUCH/EAT/RUN INTO/JUMP ON THE DOG/WATER/SCARY BIKER/CLIFF/ROCKS/PRECIPITOUS LEDGE!!"
Also, please notice a) Lucy driving the pirate ship (we're pretty sure she's found her calling...plundering, pointing out items loudly, and shiny stuff...check, check and check), and b) Lucy taking her shoes off for approximately the 90 Kajillioneth time in two days...if only it wasn't "cruel" to "hot glue" shoes to "baby feet." Sigh.