For those of you not in Seattle, this has been, literally, the longest winter in the history of mankind. We went to Grants Pass to see Grandma and Grandpa Dietz for Memorial Day, where it is ALWAYS reliably warm and sunny on that weekend. Please note below Lucy's long pants and, yeah.
All the way to Grants Pass, a SEVEN HOUR DRIVE for those of you keeping track of the definition of "brutal," Lucy randomly screamed "YAYO!" She was noticing these beautiful, YELLOW, pollen-filled plants which grow all along the interstate in Washington and Oregon, and also in my parents' yard. We thought she'd be thrilled to be placed in the YAYO PLANT for a picture, but as usual, she refused to cooperate with my picture-taking plans and ran out of the YAYO PLANT, screaming ALLDONE ALLDONE - one of her newest favorite phrases and a surefire indication things are about to go downhill for Mommy.
After the YAYO PLANT scheme went awry, my dad somehow produced an entire bucket of sidewalk chalk (note...what?? he just happened to have it laying around...uh, ok) and Lucy happily screamed ART! ART! ART! and then drew three blue lines on the driveway before running away to dig a hole into the septic tank and set it on fire.

Sadly for Lucy, my parents' neighbors have a pimped out mini-playground...BEHIND A FENCE. But, in a cruel twist of fate, it's a see-through fence and Lucy made sure to walk up to it at every opportunity, bang on it like a prisoner in the exercise yard trying to start a riot, and point furiously as if to say "WHAT IN THE HECK IS GOING ON OVER THERE PEOPLE??" Oh the humanity.