The important thing about this first pictures is the binky. Notice the binky in the water as Lucy leans over to pet the starfish and sea cucumbers and whatnot.
Now...notice the binky. Fish-water to mouth in one fell swoop. Also notice that neither of the "responsible" parents noticed this until AFTER we got home and reviewed the pictures. One day you're picking the binky up off the floor at Target, wiping it on your shirt, and shoving it back in....and one slippery slope later, it's fish-water and oblivion.
It was "Octopus Week" at the Lucy took advantage of the coloring tables to add her artistic flair to the community art project.
Lucy wasn't scared of the very realistic octopus legs. The picture can't portray her grunts as she tried to pull the whole display off the wall. Must. Destroy. EVERYTHING!!
What would be funnier than this picture would be one of the BACK of this you could see Brian holding the back of Lucy's pants to keep her from running away while he balances on one foot and tries to smile at the same time.
Lucy pet the octopus stuffed animal. What they don't tell you about these to explain to your toddler that, actually, no...the stuffed animal will not be coming home with you. Also, it will in fact stay here, to be sullied by the sticky hands of the eighty gajillion toddlers who will pass through these halls in the next four minutes. Lucy was displeased with this plan. Very, very displeased.
I like this picture because it makes Lucy seem peaceful. Really she's probably performing a complex mental algorithm about the thickness of the glass vs. the hardness of her skull and what it will take to get to those FISHIES!!!!