Sunday, January 31, 2010
Lucy is the master of her own binky domain.
Lucy is doing so many fun things these days - but one of the best is being able to put her own binky back in her mouth with no help at all from us. Of course, she has also learned to project it out of her mouth with a blast of air pressure and send it flying about 20 feet across the room. In that case, a little help from mommy and daddy is welcome since, so far, her ability to spit the binky across the room has far eclipsed her ability to walk over and get it back.
Bonus pictures - Lucy playing on the fun and colorful quilt that Grandma Linda made for her - she loves it!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Before and After
Sunday, January 24, 2010
At least she's finding the humor...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lucy can giggle...and eat her own feet.
The first ten or fifteen seconds of this are Lucy in an all-out giggle - something she rarely goes. Somewhere in the middle (it's about 3 min total), she has some quality time eating her own feet. So talented!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Mmmmmm...rice cereal
Lucy has been eating rice cereal out of her bottle for a couple of weeks, but today we bit the bullet and started trying to feed her with a spoon. Honestly - I think she was a little confused as to why we kept shoving the spoon in her mouth, but she was fairly good natured about the whole thing. She's probably thinking "these people are crazy - why would you go to all this trouble when you could just keep making the hole in the bottle bigger??" And she's probably right - if I could get the hole big enough to fit bacon and ice cream cake through it - I just might rethink the whole spoon and fork thing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Lucy is fickle.
Lucy has been in love with several of her toys/friends over the past few months - Mr. Hippo and Chunky Monkey to name a couple. But, now we're introducing Elefante. He's named after a song about elephants that Brian sings in Spanish all the time. I'm probably not spelling it right, but I don't think Lucy will notice. Anyway, Lucy got this exersaucer for Christmas, and so far she seems to like it, but not love it - except for Elefante. Aside from my Blackberry and the remote control, I have yet to find a toy that REALLY thrills her. See? Fickle!

Monday, January 11, 2010
Why is that thing on your head?*
Friday, January 8, 2010
Lucy is at least half Dietz
Monday, January 4, 2010
Lucy cares about puppies.
Grandma Mary Lou bought Lucy a soft (ie: chewable) book for Christmas, and Lucy loves it! Not only is it soft, with furry puppies and silk pages, but it has awesome sound effects. She's really starting to get into some of her books - each turn of the page is like magic...OOOOOOOHHHHH, another picture!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Leaning Tower of Lucy
Pretty much everyone who has met Lucy in person has commented that she is always looking to the side. For some reason, the stuff directly in front of her is just never as interesting as what's going on peripherally. Now that she is sitting in the Bumbo chair more often, she not only turns her head to the side, she sort of leeeeeeeans over further and further until she's basically draped over all the way to one side.
These pictures show Daddy in his brand new Snuggie, sharing some quality reading time with Lucy. He's reading a home improvement magazine, and she's reading Elmo and the Monsters.

These pictures show Daddy in his brand new Snuggie, sharing some quality reading time with Lucy. He's reading a home improvement magazine, and she's reading Elmo and the Monsters.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I might be losing the popularity contest.
Despite changing something upwards of forty katrillion diapers in the last five months, amongst many other undignified and downright disgusting baby-related activities, it appears Lucy is bound and determined to deny her love for me and say "Dada" first.
This video is probably a little long for anyone without a first name starting with "Grand"...but somewhere just after the 2 minute mark, Lucy starts in on the "dadadadada" thing, and Brian is as proud as a peacock!!
This video is probably a little long for anyone without a first name starting with "Grand"...but somewhere just after the 2 minute mark, Lucy starts in on the "dadadadada" thing, and Brian is as proud as a peacock!!
Lucy might be part bulldog.
We took this video of Lucy snoring over Thanksgiving, when the first round of colds hit the Dietz-Purcell household in force. It's hard to believe such a sweet little girl could produce such a huge snore!
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