We'll keep trying it and hopefully she'll get the hang of it. In the meantime, there's always arms and hands to chew on, so she's basically happy without all this newfangled play equipment I keep shoving down her throat all the time.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lucy is confused...but in a good way.
My friend Emma gave us a Johnny Jump-Up for Lucy, and today I tried it out for the first time. Basically, you put it in the doorway, and the theory is that the baby then...jumps up (and down, presumably). I put Lucy in it this morning and she didn't really jump in either direction. She stared at me for awhile, then chewed on the edge of it, then chewed on her hand, and then looked at me as if to say "You want me to do WHAT?". So, anyway, I spent quite a while helping her to bounce and swing in it, which she thought was pretty fun, and every once in awhile she would accidentally bounce on her own and then look at me like "WHAT JUST HAPPENED???".
We'll keep trying it and hopefully she'll get the hang of it. In the meantime, there's always arms and hands to chew on, so she's basically happy without all this newfangled play equipment I keep shoving down her throat all the time.

We'll keep trying it and hopefully she'll get the hang of it. In the meantime, there's always arms and hands to chew on, so she's basically happy without all this newfangled play equipment I keep shoving down her throat all the time.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pretty in Pink
We put Lucy in my her favorite outfit today - pink polka dots EVERYWHERE! Then, I put her down on her soft little blanket to play and all of the sudden I noticed that she had basically disappeared. I think I may have inadvertently invented a baby invisibility cloak.

BONUS: Lucy blowing spit bubbles while Mommy moves in for a face gobbling kiss!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Chunky Monkey
We have offered Lucy somewhere upwards of 4,000,000,000 toys in an attempt to get her interested in playing with something...anything. She just turns her nose up at everything and then goes back to chewing on her hand. But, recently, I discovered this purple monkey that Lucy's Aunt Emma gave us, a hand-me-down from her son Max. Suddenly, Lucy forgot her earlier true love for Mr. Hippo (girls are so fickle!!), and she had a new man, Chunky the Monkey. Chunky goes everywhere with us, and never fails to make Lucy laugh and grin. I think they might be in love, and every once in a while I notice Mr. Hippo looking over from the Gymini mat with a certain sad resignation in his little hippo eyes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
True love...
Lucy loves her Daddy like nobody's business. When he gets home from work she gives him tons of goofy toothless smiles, she sits in the bouncer in the kitchen and watches him cook, and when he sits down to watch TV, she gazes up at him adoringly. I think the phrase "Daddy's little princess" might actually be an understatement. If ever there was a question about who rules the roost around here, I think these pictures should clear it up.
And, in case you're wondering where the pictures of her gazing at me adoringly are...yeah...me too. Apparently middle of the night feedings and changing approximately 436 diapers a day aren't enough to get me into the Lucy Parental Hall of Fame. The order around here is:
1. Brian
2. Mr. Hippo
3. Chunky the Monkey (a new toy who will make his blog debut soon)
4. Her own hand (hey LOOK! a HAND!)
5. Mommy

And, in case you're wondering where the pictures of her gazing at me adoringly are...yeah...me too. Apparently middle of the night feedings and changing approximately 436 diapers a day aren't enough to get me into the Lucy Parental Hall of Fame. The order around here is:
1. Brian
2. Mr. Hippo
3. Chunky the Monkey (a new toy who will make his blog debut soon)
4. Her own hand (hey LOOK! a HAND!)
5. Mommy
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lucy just gets cuter every day.
I know I'm her mom, so I'm biased...but seriously, she just gets cuter and cuter every darn day. She's smiling so much now, and babbles constantly (she gets that from me...**proud mama**). She has to get something from me since she looks exactly like Brian. If you listened only to the comments of strangers you would think I have ZERO to do with her creation. No respect!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Lucy might be a nudist.
Last week I bought Lucy a Bumbo chair off of Craigslist...it's pretty awesome. Basically it's made out of some weird foam material that is sort of soft and squishy and allows her to sit up even though she can't really sit up by herself yet. The best part of it is that it allows her to sit face-to-face with Mr. Hippo...or, well...sort of face-to-butt with Mr. Hippo. Oh well, what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?
Also, more legwarmers!! Thanks Aunt Caroline!

In other news, Lucy loves being changed...especially first thing in the morning. Who ever heard of a baby that loves being changed? So weird! But, who am I to complain? Every morning, she just laughs her head off the whole time I'm changing her diaper, so I decided to try to take some pictures. As you can see, she totally cooperated. The second the diaper starts to come off, she just lights up like she suddenly discovered M&Ms (I might be projecting). The whole thing only becomes infinitely funnier if she can get one of her feet into the dirty diaper and/or kick everything off the table while I'm fumbling around with the powder in my morning stupor.

Also, more legwarmers!! Thanks Aunt Caroline!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The one where Mommy and Daddy make complete fools of themselves....
Brian and I are basically slaves to Lucy's every whim at this point. Now that she's started smiling, we will pretty much do anything to get her to do it...there are just no boundaries anymore. She likes us to sing to her, and Brian knows lots of songs in Spanish as well as The Alphabet Song in 5 languages, so this video is (thankfully) of him singing to her. If it was me singing, I don't even think the grandparents could stand to watch it...my voice is just that bad. This is pretty long (7 minutes), so I understand if you don't want to watch it unless your name is Grandma or Grandpa.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
She's growing up so fast.
We are trying to transition Lucy slowly into her crib from the co-sleeper she is currently in. Truthfully, she's such an independent, self-sufficient baby...I don't think she particularly cares, but I miss her!! I feel like if she could talk she would be like, "Look Mom, this is fine! Don't worry! The crib is actually quite nice and...frankly...I could use some alone time." Poor kid, it must be a burden to be more mature then both her parents put together.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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